A question for everyone...would you say that there is more good or bad in this world? If that's hard to answer right away, try looking at it by degrees of bad and good. Capacities for bad, capacities for good. Do people generally look for the easier way to live their life, or the harder way?
Now, whether or not you believe in the/a Creator (and you damn well should, but hey, who am I?), the fact is hierarchy is ever present in consciousness of any and all forms. Creators/Sustainors (if you will) create and sustain for a purpose, but for what purpose? Put yourself in the shoes of the/a Creator/Sustainor for a second. As a Creator, what would you want from your creations? Would you want them aimlessly living out their lives not even acknowledging you as their Creator, or would you want them to feel like they've been created for a reason? Maybe it's not a matter of wanting, but that of needing. Why create something if you don't need it?
I believe creation is Love. Love of life, love of possibility, but love can be harsh, so very harsh. It is a two-way street, after all. Speaking of humanity now and all that we are capable of, as in sensing and manipulating that which has provenance, wouldn't you, as the Creator, expect a certain degree of respect (for lack of a better word) from your creations? Seems fair, doesn't it? Now how can fairness from the perspective of the Creator be understood by that of its creations? Carnality is a good place to start. Wants versus needs.
Is there a purpose to our existence? That is the mystery, isn't it? Are mysteries easy to solve? I hope not, but answers are always out there for seekers. Duality regulates all. Fair, no?