Sachys: Cheers! Yeah, if I do anything with it I'll let you know.
Feng has some great videos to watch / work available to view, but as a gamer, you've probably already experienced it.
he is wrong about quite a few things I think though - I often find some of his comments to be very much that of a man trapped in a rather odd bubble regarding his career and the unusual era he started in. Still, a lot of his videos are really worth watching and if you don't want to listen, just bang some tunes on and watch the paintings happen.
I was amazed by what was created before my eyes. And yeah, the commentary contains valuable information, but since he seems to feel the need to talk nonstop... there are phases where he's not saying much content-wise or just repeating himself was my impression. It's like with some game commentaries for playthroughs, less would be preferable. The art is fantastic though.