Bad games marketing:
Just read this an hour ago...,%20Removing%20CTF%20And%20Pilot%20Hunter%20Modes at the moment removing features from a game after it already gots released is proberbly the worst marketing I could ever think of!
Thespian*: Thanks for your generosity, The Sigil and Sachys! Please count me in. ;)
I like the "the battle of the games" ones, when GOG offer the forum members the possibility to vote for one of the two choices getting the max discount, it's very informative (and entertaining) to read people's opinions about their personal picks. :)
I really like those as well as the current insomnia, but I do really dislike that the decisions doesn´t have any impact AT ALL. If I miss one insomnia sale, I can pick it up again later on. If one game looses in the Battle of The Games, they´ll still be end up discounted at the last day.
Double or tripple the amouth of games would be ways better!