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andysheets1975: You're welcome! You should check out his other games, too. IMO, for all the retro hype among indy games these days, no one actually does retro-styled games better than Locomalito. His stuff feels almost like it fell through a time-warp in the past into our present day.
Looked at all the other titles he has up, wonderful stuff. You can really see this is a labor of love, I particularly dig the poster artwork. Interesting too that the games are created with GameMaker.
I'm in, thanks :)
Spring jumping on to the stage!

I'm in! :D
Post edited May 09, 2014 by Nicole28
Thank you! In & +1!! :D
I'm in for this week. Thanks!
In, thanks as always for this and the last AFGA!
I'm in. Thank you Sachys and the Sigil.

Games are like beer. They're better when they're free :)

The Last Eichhof
In. +1
The Fallout series had to be the best "free" games!
Worst? How can a free game be worst? It's free, don't like it, don't play it, it's just disk space.
I´m in, thankz.
And I am in. Maybe I'll get lucky this time....

....hahahaha :D

Thank you guys! =)
Post edited May 09, 2014 by Reever
Count me IN! awesomeness u r
Please count me in. Thank you. +1. I don't know what my least favorite free game is, but I think my favorite free game is "Don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story" even though it has one of the worst ever titles for a game.
I'm in, thanks.
Thanks, I´m in!

Favourite free game?
I could never decide which of those three I do like most:
1. BattleForWesnoth: Simply filling SO many hours of my life. Campaigns featuring great told stories, a multiplayer that is perfect for parties and well, just ultra-cool ;)
2. T2002---a fan game of Turrican. Never played any turrican before T2002, but it was really gorgeous!
3. Hurrican---guess what? A turrican Fan-game. Definitivly awesome, plays like Turrican in an advanced, more polished and less unfair, but is still a major challenge! Art and Level-Design match real professional work and well:
I´d say if it would have the offical license & widescreen support, it could sell very well here at 10$ pricepoint!

ShadowFlare: I´ve never played a freeWare game so long (and multiple times) while knowing "I don´t like it"
I mean, HELL, could there ever be a Iso-Hack & Slay WITHOUT a working skill system that is actually really GOOD?!
(I think the most recent Diablo got the same problem)
I would think most of you already know about - for those that don't, it's often a good place to a find a new game for free that may not have yet hit your radar.