SimonG: Damn! I knew I should have taken "Crack of Doom". That would at least made the googling interesting.... ;-P
Lol. I'm to busy to find you a copy right now. Maybe tomorrow.
Longcat: Yes, it is outright piracy. That is why the term abandonware annoys me. It just exists to make people feel better about piracy. If you are going to do something, at least be honest about it. I am. Like I said, I'll be the first to admit I pirate stuff sometimes.
Seems to me the problem here is your own moral compass.
So, your argument is; "I can't afford this, hence, I should get it for free"?
Go buy me a BMW.
spinefarm: Aw and you can afford buying a game for that price? And exactly how many of the users here will buy it for 400$? And this is ilegal selling too. The game cannot be bought from the Publisher/Developer ;) So your point is kinda....Look at me I have money to throw them at people :D
Nope, I can't afford it, nor can I justify spending that amount of money on a game. Doesn't mean I'm entitled to a free copy, nor that you are. It's still piracy. If you want to download something, go ahead, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
Your argument about abandonware not being piracy, however, does.
Ps. It's not illegal to resell a game that you own an original copy of, FYI.