Psyringe: It's been over a year since I last checked the PSU market though, and my knowledge of PSUs is far from complete, so I'd suggest to wait for another recommendation before buying it.
Nah, yours is good enough for me. :-)
Dropping the wattage only would save me a tenner most. Not worthy the potential headache.
wpegg: If you have a spare power cable, you might want to check that to make sure. I once bought a whole new case and PSU only to find out the cable was broken.
I've already thought about this. I'll see it when the new PSU arrives.
Worst case, I send it back.
And on a related note, I am so happy this is 2012 and not 2002. I have my dissertation saved on a remote desktop. Holy crap. Push comes to shove, there is hardly any data lost in general. Personal data in spideroak, savegames on Steam/Origin cloud, personal windows settings saved with Win 8, bulk data (pictures, shows, music) on external HD.