nmillar: Woah, now I'm jealous!
Wraith: Attached is an image from the shelf I put the game on. You can see the copies of Gene Generation and Rock Band 2.
To those of you wondering WHY I have an autographed copy of Rock Band 2, the drummer on the cover is Joe Letz, the drummer for Combichrist, Emigrate, and quite a few other bands as well. Really awesome guy.
And Fox, I have something similar I would have Tallarico sign, but it's his Greatest Hits: Volume 1 CD that I bought MANY years ago. I remember playing that CD so much in my Sega CD since I didn't have an actual CD player at the time.
Edit: All shall fear the Panda Express plush in the Splatterhouse terror mask!
I hate how the UK gets left out on cool shit like the Splatterhouse terror mask...