12:52pm Operator: do you want me to click on the link on this email....is this correct? ga
12:52pm Caller: Yes. And read the webpage it takes you to. Please confirm you are doing so ga
12:52pm Caller:
http://www.gog.com/en/forum/general/a_true_story_for_your_entertainment 12:53pm Caller: That should be the link ga
12:53pm Operator: ok...i need to check if i can access this link on our end as we only have internet connect...just let me check...
12:53pm Operator: please stay on the line while i check...please hold (holding...
12:54pm Operator: holding
12:55pm Operator: ...
12:55pm Operator: holding) thank you for patiently waiting...
12:55pm Operator: i could not access the link on the email as we only have internet connection..
12:55pm Operator: we cannot access links ga
12:56pm Caller: Okay. I will simply have to tell you what the letter says. It is very long, but very relevant.
12:56pm Caller: Bear with me please....
12:56pm Caller: First, let me tell you that this is a complaint letter to Internode, okay?
I then proceed to quote the letter up to this part: I hung up. And went out on the balcony and screamed my head off in frustration. THEN, I get this email about twenty minutes later:
1:04pm Caller: ******************
1:04pm Caller: Do you want me to go on? It really is quite an amazing story... Now do you understand why I wanted you to click on the link? ga
1:08pm Operator: if i must cut you short.....sorry to cut you off...why the reason he is telling tpg all the complaints you have with internode? ga
1:09pm Caller: Because I do not want this to happen with TPG.
1:09pm Caller: If it does happen, I am going to report TPG to the ombudsmen as I have with Internode. I want to ensure that you put my disabilities on my account and make sure that the technician that comes over does NOT make the same mistakes
1:09pm Caller: I NEED internet, and I need it two weeks ago. ga
1:10pm Operator: ok i understand that...you do not need to worry we will not be doing what internode doing to you..
1:11pm Operator: once this payment has already been posted we will let you know when installment will occur..what whappended with internode will not be happening with tpg ga
1:11pm Caller: It better not. I require you to do the following:
1:11pm Caller: Email that email with the link to someone further up the chain (and I want written confirmation that they have recieved and read the link)
1:12pm Caller: I want you to put the disabiliites on my account clearly and ensure that no one from your company ever RINGS my mobile - texts only.
1:12pm Operator: i will go ahead and escalate this concern to my supervisor.. the experience u have with internode will not be happening with tpg... .
1:13pm Caller: And lastly, I want you to make sure that the technician gets my text number and notifies me when they are about to arrive on my property
1:13pm Caller: via text.
1:13pm Caller: thank you for listening, and once again, I repeat, I want written emailed confirmation that these three things have happened and WILL happen. I am also saving this conversation for future reference. ga
1:14pm Operator: and we will send u an email once we have already read the link that u have on your email.... i have put that note on the file.. that it is text only.. i will send u an email confirming ga
1:15pm Caller: thank you
1:15pm Operator: ga
1:15pm Caller: I'm sorry to be so anal but seriously, I am so put off with this whole thing. I am making very very sure I've covered all the bases. ga
1:15pm Operator: okay if that is all i will go now.. i will ensure it is done via email. ga
1:15pm Caller: thank you bye ga to sk
1:15pm Operator: bye to sk.
1:16pm Operator: (RO here, would you like to make another call?) ga
1:16pm Caller: No thank you, no more calls for 100 years for me now I hope!!!! sksk
1:16pm Operator: (Thank you for your call, bye for now) sksk
1:16pm System: Your call is now finished and you are no longer connected to the NRS.
I will insert today's conversation later when I can actually post it.