Posted August 26, 2012
I'm just doing my third or fourth playthrough of Warcraft III... damn how I like the atmosphere of this world. This cartoony art direction and steampunk influences. That made me think of World of Warcraft how cool it was when I installed it.
But it seemed i may have been one of the very few people that were more interested about the lore, exploring and stuff than actual gameplay. I realised I actually detest MMO gameplay, it put the atmosphere of the actual World, of walking the same paths i walked in Warcraft 1, 2 and 3, on the back in favour of some cold mathematics and repetitive grinding for some stupid achievements. People there are all about numbers when there's a soul hidden in this game. I probably explored every nook and crany of Bilgewater Harbor, love that city, took some photos, erm i mean screenshots, becouse I had the idea of making a photoblog stylized as a goblin travel agency lol.
Becouse I'm playing Warcraft 3 now, i felt it again... the sound of the hammers at the great furnace at Ironforge, the constant buzzing and clatter of strange Gnomish contraptions in Gnomoregan, the beating of the war drums in Shatterspear village... maaaaan.... (sigh) I would love to walk that land again, put some flowers on Uther's grave. I'm reading novels right now to ease the hunger but...
BUT I would have to pay Blizzard so much money for this! You know, paying monthly fee makes you feel you're obliged to play a lot, while world of warcraft tastes best for me when it's sipped slowly, like wine. Paying for a certain amount of game time would be a better arrangement for me.
I don't know, maybe I should seek some private servers? What do you think? Recommend anything? I wonder how populated they are though, I liked running around RPing to people that didn't give 2 fu*ks, annoying the shit outta them :)
The other thing is, i kinda felt lonely there. Through cross server dungeon finding, everything seemed so depersonalised, gear, gear, gear, suddenly you meet a cool person but then goodbye, i'm on another server. And being not the average wow player as I am, it was hard finding a common language, and when I did, it happened only once every few hours of play.
Are there other people like me here, who like the world of warcraft not the World of Warcraft? Can you relate to some of the feelings I've described when booting up Warcraft 1, 2, 3 or WoW? I heard their going to do a movie, but I don't have high hopes for it, it could suck...
But it seemed i may have been one of the very few people that were more interested about the lore, exploring and stuff than actual gameplay. I realised I actually detest MMO gameplay, it put the atmosphere of the actual World, of walking the same paths i walked in Warcraft 1, 2 and 3, on the back in favour of some cold mathematics and repetitive grinding for some stupid achievements. People there are all about numbers when there's a soul hidden in this game. I probably explored every nook and crany of Bilgewater Harbor, love that city, took some photos, erm i mean screenshots, becouse I had the idea of making a photoblog stylized as a goblin travel agency lol.
Becouse I'm playing Warcraft 3 now, i felt it again... the sound of the hammers at the great furnace at Ironforge, the constant buzzing and clatter of strange Gnomish contraptions in Gnomoregan, the beating of the war drums in Shatterspear village... maaaaan.... (sigh) I would love to walk that land again, put some flowers on Uther's grave. I'm reading novels right now to ease the hunger but...
BUT I would have to pay Blizzard so much money for this! You know, paying monthly fee makes you feel you're obliged to play a lot, while world of warcraft tastes best for me when it's sipped slowly, like wine. Paying for a certain amount of game time would be a better arrangement for me.
I don't know, maybe I should seek some private servers? What do you think? Recommend anything? I wonder how populated they are though, I liked running around RPing to people that didn't give 2 fu*ks, annoying the shit outta them :)
The other thing is, i kinda felt lonely there. Through cross server dungeon finding, everything seemed so depersonalised, gear, gear, gear, suddenly you meet a cool person but then goodbye, i'm on another server. And being not the average wow player as I am, it was hard finding a common language, and when I did, it happened only once every few hours of play.
Are there other people like me here, who like the world of warcraft not the World of Warcraft? Can you relate to some of the feelings I've described when booting up Warcraft 1, 2, 3 or WoW? I heard their going to do a movie, but I don't have high hopes for it, it could suck...