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I love this forum. Constant flow of all new drama never stops :P

Next time on GOG: I got pregnant by playing unprotected game.
keeveek: Next time on GOG: I got pregnant by playing unprotected game.
That's what you get for wanting it cheap and unprotected.
Zacron: So it's okay to call someone out publicly, but not post images that help to prove a point?
They are attached to HIS account, and he can use them as he wishes.
My thoughts exactly. When he was called out and dismissed as a shameless beggar, he had right to defend himself. Also, OP kinda got up on PM confidentiality at the moment he decided to share (even indirectly) the contents of his personal converastion with accused person.

I could never understand making such issues into public problem. Just reply "fuck off, twat" and block him. Why all the drama....
Post edited November 05, 2013 by keeveek
jdsiege: In the end, I guess everyone got what they wanted. You have thoroughly shamed Branjo and put an end to his "nefarious" requests. I can only hope that this treatment towards him does not extend beyond this thread; as stated above, he is a pretty nice guy.
I have to agree, and so did Elvin, on the point that i believe Branjo is an okay guy (i dont know him well enough to call him nice). People make mistakes, and deserve second chances.
Rather then it being a personal dig, i also kinda hoped this would serve as a message to anyone doing the same in general, and offcourse Branjo isn't the only one.
Post edited November 05, 2013 by lugum
Guys! Everyone has made good points. Now can we do a round of apologies and shake hands?

Elvin37 is a nice guy and I've gone out of my way to gift him something he's wanted to play...

BranjoHello is also a nice guy and I've appreciated his funny posts in my threads....

Both of you guys only enter for games you want really, really want to play... but I think what we have here is a failure to communicate both from a purely social aspect - better manners - and a cultural aspect - different cultures approach asking in different ways. Canada is not Serbia nor vice verse.

SOOOOO, My good friend Elvin37, I'd like you to meet my good friend BranjoHello. You guys might have some differences but I think you probably have more in common than you might initially expect. Can you do me a big favor and shake hands? Please? ;-)

Momo thanks everyone for their graciousness and for letting this thread drop into the depths where it belongs.....
Momo1991: Guys! Everyone has made good points. Now can we do a round of apologies and shake hands?

Elvin37 is a nice guy and I've gone out of my way to gift him something he's wanted to play...
BranjoHello is also a nice guy and I've appreciated his funny posts in my threads....
And me and Thespian aren't? :( :p
Post edited November 05, 2013 by lugum
Momo1991: Guys! Everyone has made good points. Now can we do a round of apologies and shake hands?

Elvin37 is a nice guy and I've gone out of my way to gift him something he's wanted to play...
BranjoHello is also a nice guy and I've appreciated his funny posts in my threads....
lugum: And me and Thespian aren't? :( :p
Poor lugum, you know I love ya! And Thespian too ;-p

Point in fact - I was only directing this at the two main people involved.

Now let's all go play some games! I'm going to go finish Night of the Rabbit that I got from triock in a Xyem game before I start in on my algebra homework ;-)
Post edited November 05, 2013 by Momo1991
Momo1991: Now can we do a round of apologies and shake hands?
What if one of us is Stephen Hawking?
Any group of people will have some level of constant drama, but your comment keeveek did give me a chuckle.

As to the topic of the thread though, I can agree I personally don't like begging for games, and thus I don't bother to even read the non-gog gifting thread. Giveaways are fun to host and to participate in, but if and when I get PMs I would have to ignore them. With that said though I have never had this happen with Branjohello, in my interactions with him he's been respectful and friendly, appropriately using please/thank you and what not. So I don't really like the callout of this thread which could have been dealt more appropriately in my opinion in some other fashion. I do like the no callouts policy of some other communities as they generally just serve to cause more problems then the problems they may be intended to help resolve.

I would hope that this was an isolated overzealous moment on Branjohello's part and that he would be willing to apologize for any offense or discomfort he may have caused and certainly can't fault him for wanting to defend himself though again not the method or means that I would hope for. Inflammatory messages can definitely lead to inflammatory responses, which can cause the whole mess to become a cyclical reinforcement of past wrongs. I have no doubt that there are some exploiters who merely bottom feed on this and any number of other communities, but I don't think that any of the parties involved here are those from what I've seen and read. Can't we all just get along? as the meme goes...

Edit: and thanks Momo1991 exactly my point though maybe a bit more concisely :-) I do tend to be on the garrulous side at least when it comes to writing.
Post edited November 05, 2013 by BlueKronos
Momo1991: Now can we do a round of apologies and shake hands?
tinyE: What if one of us is Stephen Hawking?
Well then I'd like to know the answer to the meaning of the universe! ;-p

Now go play!!
Guy wakes up in the hospital screaming "Doctor! Doctor! I can't feel my legs!"

The doctor says, "Or course not, we had to cut off your arms."
lugum: And me and Thespian aren't? :( :p
Momo1991: Poor lugum, you know I love ya! And Thespian too ;-p

Point in fact - I was only directing this at the two main people involved.

Now let's all go play some games! I'm going to go finish Night of the Rabbit that I got from triock in a Xyem game before I start in on my algebra homework ;-)
But being nice and loving someone are two seperate things. One can love a total jerk. :p

First your homework, then playing games. Missy. ;)
Post edited November 05, 2013 by lugum
tinyE: What if one of us is Stephen Hawking?
Momo1991: Now can we do a round of apologies and shake hands?
tinyE: What if one of us is Stephen Hawking?
Wasn't that Sepp Blatter?
If you look at Branjo's post, in the picture with Lugum, he did apologize to him and stated that it will not happen again. I believe that, and I think that this thread will serve to help others see what happened so as to avoid it.