keeveek: What about "I was totally fucked / murdered / buttfucked / devoured" or whatever else?
Is the only expression allowed "I totally lost my game" ?
Does it always have to come down to this slippery slope thing..?
Okay, let's imagine there's this thing called rape culture. It's not a nice thing and you don't want it in your living room. This whole video game rape lingo is a part of it.
Now to look at your suggestions, and assume they work in the same way:
"I was totally fucked" adds to the fucking culture. I'd guess quite a few would like a fucking culture, even if it's a bit crass.
"I was totally murdered" adds to the murder culture. Yeah, that's pretty bad. Luckily people are less likely to go around murdering because their friends think it's ok.
"I was totally buttfucked" adds to the buttfucking culture. Yeah, butts happen.
"I was totally devoured" adds to the vore culture and someone gets the kicks out of hearing it.
Anyway, yes, that means that the only word you're allowed to use is platypus. Work that emphasis if you want to be understood. You'd better not argue against platypus or I'm taking it away from you too.
keeveek: by the way, I agree with pretty much everything Telika said. I was mugged twice or three times in my life, and maybe the jokes about being mugged weren't that funny for me at a time, I have no problem with them whatsoever. I know it's not the same as being raped, but every man has his own traumas.
It's nice that you cope so well. I've been mugged once as well (or robbed, maybe, does mugging involve getting punched because those guys were nice enough not to punch me), it didn't traumatize me either. I think I was more traumatized by someone calling me scrawny. Doesn't mean someone couldn't be properly traumatized by a mugging.
keeveek: No. We just had a good time.
I find that an unfortunate choice of words when defending sexual assault jokes. Anyway, if a black dude had walked in and been unnerved by the way you were acting, would you have told him to relax because it's not a thing?
keeveek: You say saying things like that is simply thoughtless. Ok, but what requires them to think about seriousness of rape all the time? Is it some kind of law? Does everybody has to think thhrough everything he or she says and does? Especially while playing video games?
It would be preferable to have some thought involved, yes. Even if person A isn't thinking about the seriousness of rape all the time, person B might not be able to do the same after it starts, and if person A takes it upon himself to remind person B via the means of supper hillarious rappe jokkes, person A isn't free of guilt just because he doesn't think it's a big deal. The problem here is that even after people make these jokes, that aren't even funny or in any way better than the alternatives, and manage to hurt someone, they side with the jokes and get really defensive.
It's something like:
Frank makes a thoughtless joke or says something stupid.
Jacob hears it and is hurt. What happens next is...
A: Frank says that it was thoughtless of him and apologizes. (Yay, Frank, to err is human)
B: Frank says that the joke was totally funny and Jacob needs to get a thicker skin (Frank, you're not welcome to my tree house anymore)
In the following days...
A1: Frank keeps making those jokes (Frank, to err is okay, to keep erring gets real old)
A2: Frank takes Jacob into consideration, and maybe even realizes that the joke wasn't that important (Frank, have this flower)
B1: Yeah, Frank just keeps saying stupid things (No surprise)
B2: Frank stops saying it to avoid the wrath of Jacob (meh, whatever, I'll take it)