iippo: Would you make me a list of things that cant be "trivialized" or "might hurt really someone"? Because the whole world is full of those things. If you go by that standard, we should ban joke books as well as like 80+% of them "might really hurt someone".
Sure common sense is good thing, politeness is good thing - but although i dont personally speak spawn point raping or various other figures of speech, i dont condemn others for using them either.
Like i said, whats the goddamn (did i hurt any religious person by that?) reason to stick to stuff people say, when they arent even talking about you? Lets remove "dwarfs" from fantasy games - surely they are making short people feel bad. And lets remove giants too, because tall people (me) are depicted as being evil and dumb etc...
You are aware that you cant pretty much say, do or have opinion that doesnt hurt someone somewhere?
That pretty much amounts to "I'm not going to stop stabbing people because physical contact might hurt someone so what would I have left".
Here's a very short, easy to remember list of speech related things that may really hurt someone:
-using anti-group-X slurs on a person who has had to endure real discrimination for being in the group-X
-reminding people of really traumatic experiences
-threatening them
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posttraumatic_stress_disorder Here's a link to what really hurting someone might mean. It's not really comparable to being offended by someone saying your butt smells, even if someone has lived such a happy life that they can't think of anything more offensive. It's not comparable even if someone left you because your butt smelled and you're really sad about it.
Fenixp: Nothing should be off-limits especially when it comes to joking.
I'll accept this as your real opinion after you make a youtube video of going to a hospital, searching for trauma victims and joking about their experiences to their faces, and add your name to it. Bonus points if you tell the butt ends of the jokes your name too.