DarkAkriloth: Ok, let's say my brothers go to work and they periodically need to take their PCs with them. Is it ok if they still play from their computer, even though they're technically away from our house?
I would take this to a tax/government qualification. If you qualify as a dependent in the household, you are part of the household, regardless if you are at work, on a business trip, hotel or other. So long as they aren't letting other people copy the game files/installer then it would be fine.
justanoldgamer: Morally I believe that more than one player playing at a time is wrong (if only one license was bought and obviously not on the same machine).
Depends on if you're playing single or multi-player games. And of course the price of the game. If the game cost $30+ and you wanted to do a MP game of say
NWN, then i wouldn't consider that wrong although the
DRM/Atari/Bioware would say otherwise. If the game is on sale for $5 or less, then there's no reason (
unless you're dirt poor) that they can't buy their own copy;
For the single-player experience, yeah probably only one instance should be running at a time... Not that there's a good chance of me running most of the games i have...