DieRuhe: I'll be a dummy here and admit I don't get threads like this. Sounds like - hypothetically - you've already decided on an approach and perhaps are even - hypothetically - putting it into practice. Unless you go talking about it, who's going to accuse you of piracy?
DarkAkriloth: Not really. I hold no friends and my family prefer to play on consoles (and they rarely do nowadays). I just want to know how does the DRM-free policies apply and what are their limitations. General knowledge. Could become useful if any family member of mine sees the light and moves to PC.
Goodaltgamer: No I will not answer this one, but in my post above you can read a little bit about the implication ;)
DarkAkriloth: That was pretty detailed, thanks. Though I really don't know what is the punishment for piracy. In my city, it's pretty common to see videogame stores that offer you to put "chips" to be able to play pirated games for Xbox 360 and PS3, along with pirated games. Almost everyone I used to know pirated their games and no one was ever sanctioned. Hell, even companies around here -- big and small -- prefer to contract the guy who repairs computers to install a pirated Windows on each of their workers' PCs.
Believe one thing, I was quite a bit around the woirld, working in more countries (shorter or longer, than a lot of people remember out of their geography lessons).
I know that the rules are not applied as they should be. That's why I answered the way I did, for clarification ;)
Nothing else and in all friendship ;)
For punishment: For example, companies could ban you from getting support, accessing their websites (or like in the case of like World of Warcraft, suspending/canceling your account) and similar. This would be even true for an IP-range. Spectacular anouncement quite a while a ago, when Microsoft sopkesman (or similar) declared, they would stop support for the south Corean region, if they would not do anything against piracy: Response of the government: OK, we will switch to Linux. (you can read up onti, if you want)
So it is up to the company to take, what they decide, appropiate measures.
But legally, they have all options opened, as the burden of proof would be against you ;) Just saying that you have pirated or similar would be enough, as you would have to disprove it (much fun with that one ;) )