Telika: In other words :
When an atheist is being nice, it is, unknowingly, "God who speaks through his heart" (or something). When a believer is being nice, it is, unknowingly, "his personal sensitivity and intellect being projected onto a god figure". These interpretations do not matter much. The important thing is being nice. You can always translate "what happens" in your own language.
No. I don't like assholes coopting my problems and my victories. It's not nice telling me when I'm dying of pneumonia that I'm suffering for
a purpose and it's somehow
good no matter what happens. It's not nice telling me when I recover and win a fucking marathon that I won not because of my own perseverance and the help of my friends (hey there, Companion Cube!) but because they cast a magic spell.
I don't like assholes coopting my
history. I don't like Orthodox maggots munching on the corpses of war heroes. I don't like being told a million dead and a million wounded doesn't count because my home city was
really saved by a macrocephalic fairy. It's not
And whoa, a US Christian complaining about intolerance is
super rich. There are places where Christians are
actually hated and persecuted. The US is
not one of those places.
If you believe that an immortal sky fairy pretended to kill himself to convince himself to forgive you for something your great-great-...-great-grandparents did when they didn't know any better, by all means say so. But I believe that
your belief is fucking stupid and I can say it, too, and you're free to judge me on the basis of that as much as I'm free to judge you on the basis of your zombie fairy cult. Freedom of speech is all there is. Demanding "tolerance" as in "equal respect and recognition
by private people" is idiotic from the outset because no one except the deeply intellectually dishonest word-wranglers can in good faith claim to do it. Christians are Christians because they consider Christianity to be superior to everything else, Muslims are Muslim for the same reason, Parsis are Parsi, etc. If you didn't think your set of beliefs ("belief" in the widest sense as in "affirmative statement") was more correct,
you wouldn't hold it. A public institution can put up a church, a fire temple, a wiccan shrine and a satanist altar to cater to people's spiritual needs.
A person is 100% free to NOT respect every belief equally, that's what freedom of religion means. And the believer's personality doesn't matter. The Russian Orthodox Church are white supermacist monsters, they deserve all the bashing (note: religion in Russia among the actual populace is a personal enough matter that people brought up Orthodox Christian can quit anytime without suffering social disadvantages; I understand this may not be the case with other churches; if you're a WBC member and can't quit for reasons, I don't blame you). The United Church of Christ are
awesome and an actual force for good, but them being a force for good doesn't earn their supernatural beliefs any special consideration.