From what I gathered from the original poster's message, many of the people replying are doing exactly what he (or she) is asking not to do.
Namely, don't blame religion itself for the actions of the few working under that guise. And I agree with that statement.
Religion is a group of beliefs and shared tenants about life. It does not make people into evil psychotic mass murderers. What does? The people who interpret the religious ideals and convert and twist them to achieve their own desires. No major religion was created for "evil". They are all about the same concepts; how to be a good person, achieve peace (in this world or the next), and to educate people on how to properly behave in society. It's people, human beings who are the ones who decide to take those messages of love, trust, family, friendship, and twist them into hate. There's many great religious people who do what they can to help those around them, even if they don't believe in their life choices.
The fact is, if you believe in Atheism you are religious. Particularly if you then go around telling people about it and saying that others are fools for their beliefs. That's what a missionary does. By being atheist you're subscribing to a concept that there is no God. That the universe was created by other means. And many Atheists, just like in other religions, have to try to constantly convert others to their line of thinking. Religion is a shared concept of life, mortality and morals; which is exactly what Atheism is. The act of non-believing is in fact a method of believing.
If you were truly non-religious, you wouldn't care about what other people believe in and only react when it directly effects you. There are very, very few of those people in the world.
There have been tons of horrible acts done in the name of religion, and there will be many more. But if religion didn't exist, people would be finding some other reason to kill each other, such as the color of your skin or gender or your shirt color. To those people that's what religion is; It's an excuse to exert power and control over other people. It's not the fault of Jesus, or Mohammad, or the Bible, or the Quran; it's the people who are at fault.