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I m in. I think instead of saying my favorite, I will just say which one I spent most time playing and that will be NWN and its expansions :)
Thanks to both of you :-)

My favorite RPG is Deus Ex Human Revolution. I love this kind of gameplay and level design which allow players to choose the way they want to result. Also, I love FPS so the shooter part of the game was very good for me and the RPG part tell me a beautiful story.

I don't play a lot of RPG, Deus Ex and Deus Ex Human Revolution, Mass Effect (only the first right now), Final Fantasy VII and VIII, EYE Divine Cybermancy, Borderlands (I've to complete this game) and Oblivion (I've to complete this one too). But when I think the game is good, I complete the game!
Post edited September 24, 2012 by benderz
I enjoyed the Paper Mario games quite a bit, but my favorite is probably Quest for Glory (if that even counts).

Many thanks to both of you!
Post edited September 24, 2012 by Blooglspash
Planescape definitely. It's the definition of ROLE playing game for me. Your fate is chosen, but it depends on you how you approach it and it also depends on you, how you end it.
Neverwinter Nights. While Hordes of the Underdark was excellent, the true value of this game was the seemingly endless number of quality mods AND the years I've spent playing on persistent servers. I doubt I'll ever find a game that eats up as much of my time as this one.
My favorite RPG- and favorite video game- to date is Baten Kaitos: Origins. It is the ONLY video game that made me feel like I was my character, as though I was actually role playing. It exposed what a joke the idea that empty, barren games with huge maps and little to no content weren't the way to immerse a player (I'm looking at you Bethesda), but rather to establish the characters around them and make it feel like they were actually communicating with the player.
I'd like to enter, please. My favorite RPG of all time is kind of hard to decide, but my favorite from my childhood has to be Kingdom Hearts II. Thank you, Zangtesu and wpegg!
Post edited September 24, 2012 by sauvignon1
I'd love to win a copy of Planescape! I've never actually had the chance to play the game, even though I've always loved the Planescape setting of D&D.

My favorite RPG of all time has to be Final Fantasy VI. The music in that game is incredible, as is the transition to the World of Ruin. The roster of characters and their varied special skills are also outstanding. I put well over 100 hours into that game the first time I went through it. Man, I really love everything in that game. I need to go play it again.

I think my 2nd favorite RPG might be a tie between Suikoden 2 and Chrono Trigger. But then again, I do really love Fallout 2 as well.Then there's also Earthbound, and Oblivion. Can't forget Baldur's Gate 2. I think I need to play all of those again.

Thanks Zangtesu and wpegg for the contest!
Hard to judge.
The games that will always stay in my memories are Eye of Beholder, Amberstar, Realms of Arcania 1-3, Baldurs Gate 1 & 2, Fallout 1 & 2, Neverwinter Nights, Morrowind, Oblivion and also Fallout 3.
But the outstanding "one" is the Fallout series. It has a great setting, a weird story and a special sense of humor. I see them all as one big story but forced to say a single title I would say: Fallout 2
Gonna say Nethack, although I don't really know why. I quess it just has some really unique atmosphere. Nothing contemporary has come close to imitating it (Dredmor tried, enjoyable, but lacked a soul of it's own if you ask me)

I also have a nagging feeling that I've played the perfect rpg at some point, but I can't decide if it is a memory or a daydream. If it is a daydream I shall one day realize it. (as in, make real)

Oh yes, I am in like Donkey Kong.

(It is intentionally wrong!)

EDIT: And thanks for wpegg! (I feel ashamed that I forgot D :)
Post edited September 29, 2012 by Crowned
My favorite RPG of all time is BG2. I've sunk countless hours into it. The variety of PC's and abilities is incredible. The graphics are still gorgeous. The view of the city is amazing. The story was really good too. I still play the game every year or two, even though I know the story inside and out.

Gnome Fighter/Illusionist for the win!

Zalpha: Forgive my ignorance but what or who is wpegg?
wpegg: A fellow forum user. Pleased to meet you. There was a bit of a mix up in paying out on a gift I owed Zangtesu, so he's passing it on, and sharing the thanks with me.
Oh silly me, thanks a ton, even if I don't win it, it's awesome that games can be given away on the forums, as it were, very cool. So thanks to the both of you for sharing. :)
I'm in. My favorite RPG so far is Baldur's Gate 2, mainly because its the only "proper" (and first) cRPG I played and I love every part of it: the story, the characters, the abilities, in short the true DnD feel of the game.
I haven't played many RPGS in my time but my favourite would have to be Final Fantasy 1. I think the music is what gets to me.

I would be battling some monsters, dwelling in the music whilst escaping life's sorrows.

Good times.

Thank you mate.
First off thanks wpegg!

Favorite RPG of all time? Hmm... I'm mostly a Strategy gamer so I'll have to say Disgea on the PS2 was my favorite. It had a funny story, lots of strategy, and was just plain fun! :)