jamyskis: Oh, another AGS game.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I've always had the sense that the one thing holding WadJet Eye's games back was specifically the AGS engine. While impressive for amateur efforts, it's a fairly buggy engine that never ceases to have problems. For Steam users, there are ongoing problems with the Steam overlay. And I won't even get started on Gemini Rue, which kept crashing with so many script and graphical errors that I just gave up in the end.
Dave Gilbert is an awesome adventure game creator, and his team has a great eye for other P&C adventure development talent, but they really need to start moving towards using a more robust engine. And port the Blackwell series and The Shivah to it as well. They've outgrown AGS, and it just looks silly on them now.
I can't find the exact article at the moment, but in an interview Gilbert gave around Epiphany's release said that going forward they would be moving to a different engine, most likely Unity. It seems this transition is a ways off though, as A Golden Wake and at least one game after that will be published by them using AGS.