Fenixp: People believed they've been given dominion over a disc standing in the middle of the universe, with everything else revolving around us. Bloody hell, I've never realized just
how incredibly arrogant humanity is
The whole idea that this incomprehensibly vast place of existence was created for the sole benefit of a bunch of monkeys living on less than a speck of dust always struck me as such.
I also get annoyed when that arrogance is extended into the study of life, as in, life out there requires the same conditions to exist as life down here.
To be sure, it's a good lead to go on but the discussion talks like it's the only way life could form.
I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that there is some fucked up living
thing out there which completely defies our understanding of biology. Then again, I guess it does no good to search for speculative forms of life...
Also, taken as a whole, fiction has an incredibly unrealistic portrayal of our capabilities against any given alien threat. Come on guys, humans aren't
that special.