Soyeong: I'll assume that you mean copying for each other.
JMich: Sorry, should have been clearer. I meant that they were copying a story told by another source. More or less that someone else was dictating what they should be writing.
That doesn't mean that they may not have actually been remembering, but claiming that their unique feat of memory shows that the rest of the account must be true is less probable than them taking dictation.
But I wouldn't know how easy or hard it is to recall names, so I'll take your word that it's not something the average man could easily do.
There is an idea that the Gospels used used a common Q source for the sayings of Jesus, but it isn't anything more than speculation, and it wouldn't apply to the entire Gospels or to the names reported in the accounts.
I did say:
"All of these things come together to build a narrative that looks believable. With all the attention to detail, one would expect they got the important parts right as well. This doesn't prove that it happened, but it’s not what you would expect if the gospels were the result of a conspiracy of incompetence, or were removed from eyewitnesses. "
I think the use of names is strong evidence that the Gospels are high quality eyewitness accounts, which doesn't prove that they were telling the truth, but I do think it makes them difficult to easily dismiss.
Soyeong: Honestly, you need a history lesson if you can't tell the difference between how Islam and Christianity were generally spread. Early Christians had no power to spread their religion by threat of violence, and in fact were persecuted by Romans because they taught against worshiping the Emperor, which was seen as a act of sedition.
pimpmonkey2382: Obviously it's you who needs the history lesson.
Obviously, oh teacher, please feel free to start listing your sources that early Christianity was spread by the sword.
tinyE: Okay I fucked up the quote there so let me just address this to Soyeong. :D
This is my last deep post for the night and then I have to go back to being a smartass, I'm tired. :P Before that let me say that I really seriously appreciate how you are handling things in here and while we are obviously polar opposites in opinion, it's always nice to have a debate with someone not constantly screaming at, threatening, or name callling. :D
I fully agree.
Anyway, and it's a stretch, the Aztecs saw sacrifice (including that of children) as not only a moral virtue but as a moral necessity. I'll leave it to you whether sacrifice constitutes 'torture'.
That being said I'm not logging off but if anyone wants to talk to me the rest of the night please try to keep in juvenile.
Thank you. :D
I don't think Aztecs made human sacrifices for the fun of it, but to appease their gods. I'm talking about the scenario where inflicting pain on babies or raping them is more virtue in itself.