tinyE: I for one can totally dig and respect that, my issue with the trailer, and yes it is only a trailer, is that the movie seems to be mud slinging onto itself. I have had many philosophy teachers, some more direct than others, and so far none of them...NONE OF THEM....ever started a class by telling everyone they have to admit 'God is dead' or fail. I am an atheist but if I had a teacher do that I'd probably immediately drop the class but only after kicking him the nuts. Does the movie give us an excuse to bash religion? ABSOLUTELY NOT, but you can understand how someone in my shoes might view the movie as an attack on my beliefs just as you view some of the comments in here as attacks on others'.
While I have not seen the movie, I didn't get the impression that it was claiming that this philosophy teacher was representative of other teachers, although the credits do list a number of cases of similar situations. Peter Boghossian, which again not representative, is another example that shows those sorts of teachers do exist. The purpose of the movie is essentially to open up religious discussions.
Elmofongo: Again just this sentence is enough to make me facepalm:
"Scienece supports (God's) exsitance, you know the truth!"
Its still not proven by science and the majority of scienetists are atheist and agnostic.
It's enough to make me facepalm too. Science neither supports nor denies the existence of God, although interpretations of science can have religious significance. For instance, if an interpretation of scientific data shows that the universe had a beginning, that could be used to show that the universe has a cause.