Posted February 11, 2014
jamotide: Neither do you, or at least you haven't shown that you understand them more than me or any other reader.
Not sure what it would take to convince you then. I have read those verses multiple times now, they are about something completely different.
Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. " He's talking about the law - go on to read the next few lines therein before he begins to talk about murder, adultery, etc.
This culture of the law is random interpretation that many different sects of christianity disagree about, so why do you know what it is supposed to mean other than what it says?
Not random - it's right there. I'd be interested to see another interpretation - could you perhaps link to a bible commentary that explains an alternate view? (I'm sure I can find one to support my view and will try to do so if you wish) Because men look at hot women with lust, there is jus tno way to avoid it.
Once again - it's not the actual looking by itself - it's the lusting after. Easy way to avoid that - imagine she's your sister. (I'm not saying it isn't hard at first, but you can train your reactions to go away from putting the person into your personal sexual fantasy, and into seeing them as a human being and an equal who is no more sexual to you than your sister). You want sex? Say hi to your wife. I get that you often get out of context quotes from atheists to mock you, but I don't think that is necessary.
Ok, thanks - I'll not infer that from you in the future. Well then good luck with defying your heart. You better put some effort into it,
yes, it takes effort, but is quite possible - see above. I'm sure the many christians who aren't fighting for divorce being illegal will interpret it that way. Hello pick and chose.
"I'm sure" isn't an argument (As I'm sure you'll agree ;) And I'm sure we should follow Jesus) Again - what some, or even many, Christians behave like doesn't actually change the meaning of Jesus' words.
And if I don't want to I will be tortured forever? Some choice.
"If I don't want to" - you can tell it to the judge - "I didn't want to obey the speed limit" , "I didn't want to get a taxi home after drinking." -> obey the law or face the penalty - that's how justice works. The laws aren't arbitrary - they're there for our own good.