jamotide: I attacked all at the same time, I don't see how one diminishes the other.
Yes, you attacked them all at the same time, but your attack is on par with someone who knows practically nothing about science saying that Evolution wrong because it is outdated and Darwin didn't know about infinite regress. If you would criticize that behavior, then don't exemplify it yourself when it comes to philosophy. If you want to attack an argument, then you need to show that the form is invalid or that the premises are false. Attacking when it was written is a logical fallacy.
Obviously you haven't read any of it, Aquinas clearly talks about beginnings. Maybe you don't understand what he means by motion? I am pretty sure now you are just talking out of your ass, because this stuff is easily confimed. So, that would explain why you make no sense.
*yawn* Aquinas certainly talked about beginnings, but he never used the premise that a universe had a beginning in an argument. If I am wrong, then you should be easily able to demonstrate that by quoting where he did, but you can't and you won't because he never did that and you've got nothing but your fanciful imagination. Likewise, you should be able to show where WLC got his argument from Aquinas, but you've still got nothing.
I can't show that, just like you can't show that there must be timeless beings. This is all I need, I am not the one claiming to know the supernatural, that is you religious folk.
"Infinite regression is possible, we know that now. "
You made the claim that we know infinite regression is possible, but now you're claiming that you can't know that? Even if I were unable to show that there must be a timeless being, that wouldn't show that infinite regression is possible. If you make a claim, you need to back it up or it's just a baseless assertion. WLC at least makes arguments for their being a timeless being, you won't even try to be up your claim.
It may have been a good question in the dar...I mean middle ages where they didn't know that there is no nothing. Why do you dismiss modern times? From reading you it seems like you still live in the 1300s.
Ummm...they knew there is no nothing back then too. I don't dismiss modern times, but I don't dismiss the 1300's either because if an argument was true back then, then it is still true today.
Ye sit everyone is just making baseless assertions about what is outside the universe, glad you realise that, that was my goal.
A baseless assertion is making a claim that you refuse to back up, such as infinite regress being possible. WLC makes arguments for a being that transcends the universe, so that is not a baseless assertion.
Exactly, just as invalid as yours. You are starting to get atheism.
*sigh* When you mix and match conclusion with premises, then the argument is invalid even if the conclusion happens to be true. For instance:
1.) All men are mortal.
2.) Socrates was a man.
3.) Therefore, the capital of the USA is Washington DC
The conclusion is true, but it doesn't follow from the premises, so it is an invalid argument. Mixing and matching doesn't doesn't show that the argument that you altered is invalid, it just shows that the argument you created is. If you wanted to show that WLC's argument is invalid, then you need to point out where the form is invalid. Good luck with that.
No, I just laughed about what you said, that faith requires ignoring reality.
You were laughing at what your fanciful imagination told you that faith requires, which is why I tried to correct your misunderstanding of it.
Is it better than "ruling in" things a priori? I think not.
If you making an argument for something, then you are not assuming it is true beforehand, whereas if you refuse to consider the conclusion that an argument shows, then you are ruling it out a priori.