jamotide: What logical fallacy, why would you bring this in here. If you tell me my arguments are poor, without saying what you mean, it is just ad hominem. It is not the same as me telling you your arguments are poor, because I have written long essays on why they are poor.
A logical fallacy is called a logically fallacy because it involves making an error in logic. If someone simply states their opinion, they could have any number of logical or illogical reasons for forming that opinion, but they are not making an error in logic just for stating their opinion. If he had said Dawkins and that group are wrong because they are stupid, then the formation of his opinion would have involved making an error in logic, and thus he would have committed a logical fallacy.
For instance, pimpmonkey2382 just said, "William lane craig is the master of the god of the gaps fallacies" without giving any reasons to explain why he has that opinion. Perhaps he has a logical reason for forming that opinion or perhaps not, but he has not committed a logical fallacy until he has made an illogical argument.
But you see, he did not criticize any arguments, it was just a useless blanket statement.
The expert opinion of a professional philosopher should give you pause, especially when he is critiquing his own side. You don't have to believe in God to recognize that the logic Dawkins used was sloppy. I've called other Christians out for using sloppy logic as well.