Posted January 23, 2014
low rated
You really believe there is no morality (temporally, geographically, and culturally) outside christianism ?
Look, I've stated my feelings about this. I'm not judging anyone for their beliefs. Believe what you will but please extend that courtesy to me as well. I sense from the comments that I'm being judged for my faith in Christ. I'm being called a "bad Christian" and all sorts of other stuff. I guess that just proves my point even more and shows that religion really is the moral glue because how can I be a 'bad Christian" if you don't even believe in it at all? LOL! It's obvious you do believe in it but you just choose to pretend not to. Otherwise how can I be a "bad Christian"?
I feel like I'm sort of taking a whipping like Jesus did on the cross by the non-believers on here bashing me. They know I'm right but are too afraid to admit it. They'd rather kill the truth than accept it.
Oh well, I'm not Jesus and never claimed to be. I just try to follow his wisdom as much as I can. There's no doubt he was a man of peace and wanted no part of violence and wished all would live in peace and love. But he understood the nature of men and women and children very well which does give him a lot of merit I'd say. I mean, how do people prophesize about you before you even exist and once you do exist you show you're more knowing than most about life and death? I don't see how he could just make it all up on the fly with witnesses following him around to see for themselves that he wasn't just your ordinary common man. There was something very different about him. Could it be that he was telling the truth? Of course not if you're an atheist that wants to deny him because you fear his words because you wish to live in sin without judgment.
Let's not mention that those words of Christ have stood strong for thousands of years after his death. Now all of a sudden people in society are showing signs of wanting to walk away from his words? How did this come to be? Marxist philosophy is my theory. But I also look around and see mass shootings, lots of indecency, rape, murders, a nation on the verge of collapse financially and morally as atheism spreads and becomes the mainstream. Is this punishment for walking away from Christ I wonder? I'll let you figure it out. I know I can't change you and I'm not even going to waste my time trying. You will likewise be wasting your time trying to change me just as well. I'll never let go of my faith no matter what. Christ at least offered me that whereas you're offering me nothing at all. I'm not much of a gambling man but I'd not bet my soul on a guaranteed loss like you're offering me when I stand a chance with Christ's offer. And if it turns out you were right upon my death, you'll never hear me tell you that you were right and you'll never be able to brag you were either. You and me won't be anything more than a fart in the wind.... But if it turns out that Christ was right and I'm right for having faith him, that would mean you were wrong. And in that case, I pray for your soul.