FAButzke: But you DO believe in things blindly. It's not so much different than a religion.
No. It is very different. You don't sound like an agnostic.
FAButzke: Are you sure that's not the case? Try to contest any one of those fundamental "truths" and you get a whole lot of backlash for no reason other than fanatism. And what's so silly about what I've said? I told you that atheist like to mock people who disagree with them. You are proving my point.
People need to be mocked so they realise how ridiculous their beliefs are. You need to be mocked for thinking Xenu could really be out there.
FAButzke: And regarding mithology, why that can't be true? Really. Ask yourself why. I'm not saying it's exactly like the ancient "gods" were depicted by our rather primitive ancestors but couldn't they just have been something else? Visitors from other planets? Another dimension?
Sure, any more baseless assumptions you want to postulate? Maybe pixies build it all with small chocolate blocks and over time because of cosmic rays sent out by Xenu that turned into the matter we see now? NO EVIDENCE
FAButzke: Just for the record, I have nothing against you (or atheists in general)
Really? My posts must have been pretty convincing then, because you sounded very different before this one.
Soyeong: Unless you've personally verified every single experiment, you're trusting what the scientists say who did those experiments. If other scientists verify the first scientist's experiment, then that means that you're trusting a larger group of scientists. The fact remains that you have knowledge that is based entirely on what others have told you is true.
The point is that you CAN do those experiments, you can verify them. For some of them its hard, for some of them it is extremely easy. Go to youtube, there are videos that show you how you can find out that the earth is not flat, just like Aristoteles back then. No need for blind faith, no need to reserve the possibility of a flat earth like a good agnostic anymore. You can verify all the evidence by yourself. And by evidence I mean evidence, not something that somebody maybe have said at some point. You don't need to believe anything, find it out for yourself. That is what science is about.
Soyeong: So people think that is stronger evidence that their interpretation of Genesis is true than there is for evolution. For instance, some people take rings in ice cores to be an indication of how many years have passed, like tree rings. However, those rings can actually form much faster than yearly cycles. So they are not against science, but they think that scientific evidence has been misinterpreted by scientists to indicate that the Earth is much older than it actually is.
See this is the religious peoples problem, scientists getting something wrong, does not mean some baseless assumption is automatically more likely.
Soyeong: God is sovereign, so He has the right to take and give life as He sees fit. If someone in a country commits a capital crime and receives a capital punishment, that does not mean the government is a murderous 1984 dictatorship.
Right, you can't vote another god, if your god exists, so it is a dictator. It murders people on a daily basis. There is lots of murder commanded by it in the bible, so where do you get this not murderous from?
Soyeong: You don't seem to be fully aware of what circular reasoning is, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Then please explain it to me. Don't just throw it out there. The bridge example is very clearly circular, it is not hard to understand. I never said you wrote the second example, that was simply for your benefit to see how religious circular reasoning usually goes, glad you agree, though.