willwagoner: It started about a month ago. I downloaded a couple titles from direct2drive, then amazon, then I found gog.com Since then I have been on a purchasing rampage. I buy almost a game a day. I'll play each title for maybe a few hours, then move on rapaciously to the next, scouring the catalogue for my next hits.
I do not know how to stop. I do not know if I wish to. The mix of nostalgia, and the appealing wooden display board in my account, leave me scouring for more.
Maybe you can help me? Which game drug should I get next?
My recent buys:
Dungeon Keeper
HOMM 3 (which I didnt too much care for)
Planescape Torment
Wing Commander Privateer
Freespace 2
Master of Orion 1&2
Master of Magic
I enjoy RPG/ Strategy the most, and was thinking of getting Gothic 2, which I've never played before....
I love GoG juss as much as the next guy, but I think you need to cool down w/the spending before you go broke. Unless of course you're a millionaire. Then feel free to ignore my friendly warning, which I do for your bank account, friend.
Why don't you juss try enjoying & exploring the games you've bought already? That way you won't burn out, and you'll get more out of the games you've purchased. I say this b/c I think the pace you're going at is based on the great emotions of joining GoG, at the expense of experiencing the true worth of the games you've bought. I could be wrong though. Maybe you can devour games like some book authors can devour books (ie- able to complete reading a novel in one day and say it was a fulfilling read).
All of my GoG purchases are for $5.99 or $9.99 (and I bought all on sale promos except one; and the free games, of course), but I treat all of them as if I bought them for $15.00 - $30.00, like what they were when they were first released on the market and then the depreciation a few years later. This helps me put in perspective the great games I have in my collection, enjoy them more heartily, and resist the temptation of buying every single game that they give a promo for which I only like a little, as opposed to whole heartedly.
Of course, everyone's mileage may vary. Juss tryna stop you from burning out & such. :OD
Edit: The Baldur's Gate series are my favourite games ever. I recommend it to anyone who has money to spare (without hurting your finances) & an interest in cRPG's.
And Planescape: Torment is another of my favourites, and it's not a game that you can simply breeze through. It's got a gripping storyline, and I've never heard of anyone playing & completing it in less than a week & finding it fulfilling in that way.