Psyringe: Why are solutions "vital"? Why are solutions "pointless" if not applied (there are many other factors involved)?
Lexor: This, indeed. Solution could be needed or used but it can not be vital nor especially pointless. I do not quite understand this way of thinking. Solution is not always vital, because some problems can be bypassed "right away" so no solution is needed then. Solution never can be pointless - solution can be not used, but every solution has some point. Also some solutions are so simple that it is enough to "open door" - no need for the "stairs" to follow.
Anyway, gz to the winner.
I could not imagine opening my front door and falling flat on my face to the ground.
Also, a solution as an open door without stairs is not a solution at all. That's like saying "It's okay for developers to give us a DRM Riddled game and not finish the product."
As to how vital a solution is, that is probably disputable, but for all intents and purposes, leaving a problem as it is does not benefit anyone... perhaps i should of put "For success" or something like that in there, which is a mistake on my end.
Psyringe: To be honest, I found the contest more frustrating than fun in the end, and the intended "solution" rather underwhelming. Why are solutions "vital"? Why are solutions "pointless" if not applied (there are many other factors involved)? Personally, I think that GoJays' explanation in post #4, or DavidNielsen's in post #17, are actually both a better fit to the "riddle" than the one that was apparently intended.
Also, it's a bit frustrating to be led on garden paths for days - the first "hints" obfuscated the solution rather than making it easier to guess, so in the end the contest was about being online (and still interested) when the final hint was dropped.
Anyway. Congrats to the winner, and thanks to the host for giving away free games. That's independent from (and more important than) the two paragraphs above. :) I'm just trying to explain why I feel a bit like having been taken for a ride. (I also may be a bit grumpy right now, I just got woken up by a police squad raiding my neighbor's apartment, and they weren't particularly subtle ...).
I am also certainly most sorry about the online aspect, however, i wanted to get a move on so i could create a new thread for people to try to figure out.