bevinator: I liked the #3-5 Doctors, thought Eccleston was okay, loved Tennant (but not as much as Baker).
Yeah, the good old days of Pertwee, Jon; Baker, Tom and Davison, Peter <3<3<3<3<3
In order of preference : Baker, Davison, Pertwee.
These reboot series have been far too pathetically "American" for my tastes : ie - written specifically to be sold in America, and not really for UK consumption because they're so light-weight, and blindingly obvious plot "solutions".
Ecclestone was better getting stabbed in the gut, and killed by Dr Nicholas "Stargate Universe" Rush in the original "Cracker" telly-films. He probably did the right thing getting out of Who after just one series.
Tennant is where it really begins to get silly.
Smith? I'm sure he's really a good worker, but now the writing is just getting "WTF???!", more and more, and it's not helping him, at all.
This film news might be a good thing, if they move away from this Americana crap...