tarangwydion: Let's see...
1. I have the game on disc
2. I do not have the GOG version
3. I will be happy to get the GOG version
4. I plan to play it again, it is a great game after all, but I guess not so soon
5. I cannot afford it for now
6. I'm good (well, usually :-P)
7. I also like a copy of Lands of Lore 1+2 ---> I have Lands of Lore 1 but not 2
8. I cannot bribe you a copy of Lands of Lore 1+2, see #5 above
9. If only I can afford it however, I will go with Evil Option, bwa...ha...ha...ha...
10. So... am I good or evil?
That's for you to decide. I couldn't even prevent people who don't meet any of the conditions to apply, since another evil option would be to screw your conscience and just lie to me. It's a more risky option for "evil" players than bribing me though. ;)