tinyE: Remind me never to come over. :P
Elmofongo: Why was disco so hated? Especially coming from rock/metal musicians/fans?
The first episode in this movie at least tried to explain it quickly:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0274906/?ref_=nv_sr_2 Also, this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_WVaFLTm-0 That said, there are some disco songs to which I find enjoyable to listen, but overall: rock. I guess I consider disco to be like modern dance music: it is not so much meant to be listened to, but to be danced with. Ok then, I don't consider tango music that interesting either to listen to, but it is needed in order to dance tango.
Then again, nowadays I don't get it when I turn on the local rock radio station, they seem to always play only the same dozen or so rock songs, and ones that I don't like that much. Rolling Stones sucks, "I can get no satisfaction" because your music sucks so much! Yet they keep playing that too. ACDC sucks too, I always consider it as the Australian Hurriganes.
And there hardly ever seems to be newer rock songs in there. The few that are sometimes played there are poo, like Nickelback. Oh well, I guess I keep listening to my Pink Floyd, Supertramp, The Who and Jethro Tull CDs instead.