Rohan15: After asking around on the site I mentioned, I got
this build. It's much stronger and after potential rebates I will save around $100.
I love this man....Thoughts on the build?
Well, it's a nice one if one assumes that you will ( and will be able to, socket-wise) to change your CPU for a piledriver at a later stage. If it's not your intention, then imho, you would be happier with a slightly better CPU and a cheaper radeon GPU that will be better balanced. The 6950 is a beast, but there is no reason to have that beast paired with a FX4100.
Otherwise, if you think about an AMD build, I would tend to support a FX CPU rather than a phenom. You could for instance consider a FX4170 or a FX6200 CPU , together with a Radeon HD 6870 GPU