Pemptus: Dark Souls. It's basically as glorious as everyone says. The PC port is easily fixed with the help of unofficial patches and mods (it has its own Nexus page now) and it's now superior to the consoles.
It's pricey, although you can get it for a fraction of the Steam price if you know where to look.
Gazoinks: Woah, I did not know there was a Nexus page. Now I'm going to have to pick up the PC version soon. If only I had money... Is that the only thing that makes t superior to the consoles?
Well, it was at least as good as the console versions on launch (although without PC-centric features, so it was considered a bad port), but now with DSfix there are plenty of graphical options we all love, and it looks much more crispy and doesn't suffer from fps drops the console versions reportedly did.
There's even a way to enable 60 fps, but it doesn't work all that properly yet (some animations don't work as intended, apparently) and could potentially get you banned from gfwl, as it tampers a bit deep with the engine. It works just fine with 30 fps, though, nice and smooth.
There is a mod to fix the awful mouse controls, but honestly I've found the gamepad is a better option, and I favour m+k any day, normally.