ZYZKryten: Each day you can only win 1 game and each person can only win a total of 6 games. I will inform you when you have 1 left to win.
This will let everyone have a chance.
First to post the correct answer wins.
You can change your answer by reposting, but I will not recheck old posts so do not edit them.
Todays theme is oops I forgot I need to make questions so heres something quickly thrown together.
Beat Hazard on Steam:
How much did a cornflake shaped like Illinois sell for on ebay?
King's Bounty: Armored Princess on Gamersgate:
What did Ian Usher sell on ebay for £200,000?
King's Bounty: Armored Princess (Mac) on Gamersgate:
What did William Shatner sell on ebay for $25,000 to raise money for charity? (Have found varying total $ amounts in different articles, just go with it :)