ZYZKryten: Will leave the last two games up for people to guess on and if not claimed by Sunday they will go back into the prize pool.
Deadly 30 on Desura:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXaSF7-wee8 Hopefully this clue will kickstart you to an answer.
I thought this one was really easy but then it is one of my favourite games ever.
No Time to Explain (Mac) on Gamersgate: (will only work on MAC)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwfwMZr_SOU Released in 2007
Does anyone actually want a MAC game?
And the next giveaway will be 11/11/12 at 16.00GMT.
Beat Hazard and DLC on Steam
Death to Spies on Gamersgate
Postal 2: Complete on Desura
And please vote on a question category:
Metal Gear Solid
Rube goldberg machines
Atari 2600
See you then.
Metal Gear Solid, please.