gameon: He's ok to give out full unredeemed bundles though. And the official groupees guys were fine with me trading a key from my bundle with another user who didn't have the bundle.
As I said, complete gift codes are not an issue.
To be quite frank, it is not the official call of the groupees guys what on how to handle these issues. That can only be done by the rights holder. But if the groupees guys say it is ok, you can assume that they checked it with the rights holder. (Even if they didn't. It is their problem, not yours then).
If you get an official confirmation from some bundle guys, go ahead, it is their head in the noose from then on.
Fake_Sketch: I'm surprised no one stated this before.
I thought several times about making a thread about this.
It is especially jarring as everyone is on and up about "gamers rights" and how "DRM is taking gamer rights away" but at the same time many are completely ignoring the rights of the people that makes those gains for personal gain.