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Argh, get your act together, G0G. This is getting annoying.
Fenixp: Did you have a bad day or something? All right, I'll just go ahead and be blunt about it: I don't care. Why on earth do you care? And why are you taking it so seriously? It's an abbrevation of name of a videogaming site, not nationality that has to be spelled right on a form! I've seen staff use the term 'GoG' many times, so they apparently don't care. Most of people around here don't care and just use whatever they find fitting. So why do you care?
I do not see much difference between naming of nations and naming of companies. The biggest one difference is probably that rules for typing names of nations are included in dictionaries, and names of companies are not. Still if company has this or that name I can not see why I shouldn't name them as they want to. I would care if I invent some technology, named it somehow and then some other people will start to corrupt its name. And I've never seen bad written name by staff member.
Lexor: I do not see much difference between naming of nations and naming of companies. The biggest one difference is probably that rules for typing names of nations are included in dictionaries, and names of companies are not. Still if company has this or that name I can not see why I shouldn't name them as they want to. I would care if I invent some technology, named it somehow and then some other people will start to corrupt its name. And I've never seen bad written name by staff member.
I'm quite sure I did, but that's beside the point. What I have never seen, however, is a staff member condemning this behaviour in any way. Maybe you would care, but I wouldn't mind if I came up with a name for something and people wouldn't abreviate it correctly. I mean, while I do abbreviate it 'GoG,' more than once have I gifted someone a game here so he registers and finds out how hreat the site is, I spred the name whereever I can... I think that's far from disgracing GOG.

But if it irks you so much that I'm using GoG instead of the correct form GOG for whatever personal reasons, I'll just start using GOG, I mean I don't really mind.

It would be nice of you to just politely ask and tell me your reasons next time, all right?
Post edited November 22, 2011 by Fenixp
it seems these technical difficulties are affected my purchase. The site hanged on while in the middle of paying process in Paypal. Now my payment never reached Gog while Paypal deduct the amount from my account.
olanorig: it seems these technical difficulties are affected my purchase. The site hanged on while in the middle of paying process in Paypal. Now my payment never reached Gog while Paypal deduct the amount from my account.
That shouldn't happened, if paypal has drawn somehting from your account, they have delivered it to GOG. Paypal doesn't store money "mid-process" (as far as I know). The "follow up" on GOGs site was what probably didn't work. If you money has been deducted from your account, check the account itself, not paypal, contact GOG support and give them the transaction details so that they can unlock your game.

You might even PM a moderator if GOG is taking its time with your support ticket, but they should get on it fast enough.
Post edited November 22, 2011 by SimonG
olanorig: it seems these technical difficulties are affected my purchase. The site hanged on while in the middle of paying process in Paypal. Now my payment never reached Gog while Paypal deduct the amount from my account.
SimonG: That shouldn't happened, if paypal has drawn somehting from your account, they have delivered it to GOG. Paypal doesn't store money "mid-process" (as far as I know). The "follow up" on GOGs site was what probably didn't work. If you money has been deducted from your account, check the account itself, not paypal, contact GOG support and give them the transaction details so that they can unlock your game.

You might even PM a moderator if GOG is taking its time with your support ticket, but they should get on it fast enough.
Perhaps in Europe, but they do that in the US all the time. Their official line is that you're giving them money to give to the recipient so if they want to seize all or part of it they can.

Granted, that's not likely to apply in Europe where they're a bank, but in the US they aren't a bank and they might not be a bank in other regions as well.

That being said, Mr. Gog will make it right ultimately.
I've been having trouble all day as well - slow loading and the gateway error. It's a bit better now, but I'm still having trouble navigating the site and especially the forums.
olanorig: it seems these technical difficulties are affected my purchase. The site hanged on while in the middle of paying process in Paypal. Now my payment never reached Gog while Paypal deduct the amount from my account.
SimonG: That shouldn't happened, if paypal has drawn somehting from your account, they have delivered it to GOG. Paypal doesn't store money "mid-process" (as far as I know). The "follow up" on GOGs site was what probably didn't work. If you money has been deducted from your account, check the account itself, not paypal, contact GOG support and give them the transaction details so that they can unlock your game.

You might even PM a moderator if GOG is taking its time with your support ticket, but they should get on it fast enough.
I already got in touch with Firek. I give him the Transaction and Invoice ID, but the problem is Paypal doesn't forward the money as Firek told me yesterday. I'm not sure now if they already receive it, and Firek place the purchased item into my account shelf. Now as I still not getting any reply from Firek or from the support team (due maybe to these technical difficulty) I'm not touching the said item, I might want them to remove it from my account as these is still a not payed item (but I would gladly repurchase it or will send another payment, no problem from me). If this is Steam I am sure that my account would be lock and I will lost control of all my games, as I read from someone with the same trouble with Steam.
The site seems to be a bit better now (although I am still getting the error/slow down occasionally, it is not as bad) - maybe everyone has finished downloading Crusader? :)
Post edited November 23, 2011 by crazy_dave
olanorig: I already got in touch with Firek. I give him the Transaction and Invoice ID, but the problem is Paypal doesn't forward the money as Firek told me yesterday. I'm not sure now if they already receive it, and Firek place the purchased item into my account shelf. Now as I still not getting any reply from Firek or from the support team (due maybe to these technical difficulty) I'm not touching the said item, I might want them to remove it from my account as these is still a not payed item (but I would gladly repurchase it or will send another payment, no problem from me). If this is Steam I am sure that my account would be lock and I will lost control of all my games, as I read from someone with the same trouble with Steam.
I think you can use the item without any second thoughts. If GOG has put it on your shelf, they want you to play ;-). It's not like you can "breach a seal" on the game or anything. Getting your money from paypal might not be GOGs highest priority now,with all those technical difficulties. If paypal refunds the money to you and not to GOG, they can still contact you to sort things out. Sound like very solid customer support to me.
Post edited November 23, 2011 by SimonG
olanorig: I already got in touch with Firek. I give him the Transaction and Invoice ID, but the problem is Paypal doesn't forward the money as Firek told me yesterday. I'm not sure now if they already receive it, and Firek place the purchased item into my account shelf. Now as I still not getting any reply from Firek or from the support team (due maybe to these technical difficulty) I'm not touching the said item, I might want them to remove it from my account as these is still a not payed item (but I would gladly repurchase it or will send another payment, no problem from me). If this is Steam I am sure that my account would be lock and I will lost control of all my games, as I read from someone with the same trouble with Steam.
SimonG: I think you can use the item without any second thoughts. If GOG has put it on your shelf, they want you to play ;-). It's not like you can "breach a seal" on the game or anything. Getting your money from paypal might not be GOGs highest priority now,with all those technical difficulties. If paypal refunds the money to you and not to GOG, they can still contact you to sort things out. Sound like very solid customer support to me.
I'm happy to say that Ferik finally told me that Paypal returned the fund to Gog, so I got my game and I'm a very satisfied customer.
crazy_dave: I've been having trouble all day as well - slow loading and the gateway error. It's a bit better now, but I'm still having trouble navigating the site and especially the forums.
We're running on backup hardware at the moment, so things may continue to trudge along with slow deliberation.

The server gnomes apparently trashed the joint yesterday while having a wild party. We have reprimanded the gnomes and put them on short grog rations for the rest of the week.

Those responsible for sacking the offenders have been sacked.
TheEnigmaticT: We have reprimanded the gnomes and put them on short grog rations for the rest of the week.
Thirsty gnomes will work even slower. :P
crazy_dave: I've been having trouble all day as well - slow loading and the gateway error. It's a bit better now, but I'm still having trouble navigating the site and especially the forums.
TheEnigmaticT: We're running on backup hardware at the moment, so things may continue to trudge along with slow deliberation.

The server gnomes apparently trashed the joint yesterday while having a wild party. We have reprimanded the gnomes and put them on short grog rations for the rest of the week.

Those responsible for sacking the offenders have been sacked.
Was it because of the new Crusader release?

I'd throw a party too...
crazy_dave: I've been having trouble all day as well - slow loading and the gateway error. It's a bit better now, but I'm still having trouble navigating the site and especially the forums.
TheEnigmaticT: We're running on backup hardware at the moment, so things may continue to trudge along with slow deliberation.

The server gnomes apparently trashed the joint yesterday while having a wild party. We have reprimanded the gnomes and put them on short grog rations for the rest of the week.

Those responsible for sacking the offenders have been sacked.
Does these means that there would be no downloads for the moment?