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Thanks, I'm in :)

This experience occurred me the last month, when I was playing Omikron (GOG version).
As soon as I reached the first town, I want out, and I saw this blue fog. I thought: "Wow, there's a LOT of fog here, I can't even see what I'm doing."
But I continue to play the game. Then I reached a point where, basically, I can't see a damned thing (I was looking for a bar, but with the fog was impossible). I spent three hours searching for this location, and I can't even stop playing bcause I have no ring to save, so I rage quitted the game.
The, talking with a friend, I said him this problem, and he tells me "I have not this problem, I can see the city and all".
When I went home, I tried to set a lower resolution and...the fog disappeared! I can see the city, now :D
Then I completed the game XD
Here's a story from Fallout New Vegas:

When I first played New Vegas I didn't really know what I was doing, I was trying to be a good guy but screwed up somewhere, and somehow ended up annoying BOTH the NCR and the Legion, the two opposing factions in the game. You just can't please everyone...

Every time I did a fast travel to a hub location, I would get ambushed by Legion assassins and NCR bounty hunters out for my head. This got old pretty quick, but I had been playing for a while and didn't want to restart, so I just went ahead like this and hoped it would work out.

So one time I fast traveled just outside New Vegas, and all of a sudden, both Legion and NCR soldiers spawned, I was ready to flip the table over and restart the game. Except this time, they didn't shoot at me, they were shooting at each other. I hit crouch and hid until they killed each other, and then I took out the remaining survivors afterwards and looted their weapons. Like a boss

Thanks for the chance!
I can tell you about a not so nice thing I used to do for a while in EVE Online. So like 8 years ago miners used to mine the minerals into jettisoned cans which were under the games rules accessible to everyone. Since miners were mostly not paying attention or afk you could fly to them and just take all they mined! It wasn't profitable, and it wasn't nice, but it was unbelievable fun! Sometimes they wouldn't notice at all,sometimes the hate would arrive while you approach. Ore thief in the system!
Although ...overall in EVE Online it was probably the most benign bad thing you could do to anyone.

In for Startopia!
In. +1, thanks and so forth.

Like RedRagan, I used to play Engineer and fill commandeered Kübelwagens with satchel charges. My usual tactic involved looking for preoccupied tanks, driving at them at high speed, hopping out several dozen meters before collision and letting the empty (bar explosives) car coast the rest of the way. I actually got pretty kick-ass K/D ratios because jumping out of a speeding car causes very little damage in Battlefield 1942.

On one occasion I though that I had found another victim for my Taliban-mobile, but unfortunately the gunner drew a bead on me and started emptying his machine gun at the windscreen. Why he didn't think to use the cannon right away, I don't know. In any case, the time the gunner spent fucking around with the peashooter allowed me to close the distance to just about the moment of bail-out, at which point the cannon fired and blasted the living shit out of me.

In case you are unfamiliar with the game, destroyed vehicles remain on the field a short time before disappearing as physical husks - i.e. they collide with objects and terrain, can block movement and even run over unsuspecting players. In this case, I watched through the dead-eye-view as the Kübelwagen, retaining inertia, launched five meters into the air and landed right next to the tank that had just killed me. I didn't know if the explosives had despawned the moment I had been killed, but because the respawn map takes a while to appear after death, I saw no harm in clicking the mouse to see if they had survived.

They had.
Not in, but thanks and congrats.
Thanks for the giveaway :D

I'm among the people who started playing with Bad Company 2 long after Battlefield 3 came out (I still don't have BF3). Once I couldn't believe what I saw. 2 helicopters crashed, with their propellers against each other, then they fell behind an island. I thought this was already hilarious, but then, after thinking both helicopter blew up, one of them eventually flew up again, even after hitting the ground with the other helicopter. It was one of those times when you really laugh at a game.
I'm in.

Several years ago, I saw Jagged Alliance mentioned at and decided to give it a try. Back then I wasn't giving tutorials, manuals and such as much attention as I'm giving nowadays.
So at the very beginning I took my team and started shooting some "guys in blue" and there I was (head)shooting them from close range with a pistol and they just stand there, don't fire back. After 15min I got bored and went back to AB to rant how its a stupid game with no challenge. You can guess the expression on my face when someone posted "guys in blue are your guys you weren't supposed to shoot them". :)
So in Thief 2 there are these little maintenance robots that are built by a faction of religious fanatics who have a leader called Karras. They mill about and spout various lines with a slightly robotic voice of their leader, but they also react on noise. Among other things, they say stuff like: "When I was new-forged, Karras took me away from the foundry mother and said, 'Thou art a child of my endeavors. Follow me and thou shalt inherit the earth.'."

A while back I was playing the bank mission and one of the small robots started saying his usual stuff:

"When I was new-forged, Karras took me away from the foundry mother and said...

*clunk* (a whack of my blackjack)

...I do not know."

Everyone in the room simultaneously burst out in laughter.
In for Eador: Genesis.

Back when I was in college, a group of us were playing Jeopardy. (This was in the days before LAN, so we were all physically there in the same room, taking turns on the same computer.)

The Final Jeopardy category came up as Song Lyrics. When the clue appeared, "According to this Roger Miller hit, it never rains in Indianapolis in the summertime," one of my friends immediately bet me lunch, sure that I'd have no chance. I jumped all over that bet; and just as quickly typed in, "What are Little Green Apples?"

The only thing sweeter than eating that lunch was the joy of watching him eat crow.

Thanks for the giveaway, and +1 for you on top of everything else.

Remember playing civ 4 With a friend in multiplay. We where playing With about 4 AI computers and my friend was doing great. Having better Tech, more Wonders, army and cities. I had no way of winning so i started giving one of the compters Money and Tech to boost Our relation. After i while I managed to get him attack my friend (who had no idea I was doing this). I feigned suprise and woved to help him defend ( I even gave him a few uints). But it started a Chain reaction and soon all the Computer players where in war With him. It ended With him losing his last citie and we decided to make the game a Draw. After the game he was very puzzeled abot the computer attacking him and I had to admit I was responsible. Still he didint hold it against me and praised my deviuos tactic. We still Battle one another i various strat game.
Not in, but thanks for your generosity Laziter!
RedRagan: I'm in!

How to have fun in Battlefield 1942:

1) Start the game

2) Choose engineer as your class

3) Find a Jeep car

4) Fill it with ALL of your dynamites

5) Drive it like mad toward enemy's base

6) Find a moving enemy tank, or APC

7) Slam toward that tank

8) Jump out

9) Detonate

10) Listen as your enemies rage.

One of the most glorious moment was when I blown up an APC. I usually took out 1 or 2 people with it (and myself in the process) but that time I saw an APC just came out from an enemy's base so I did what usually did. Turn out the whole APC is filled full of people. You can imagine the chat was flooded with angry people after that.
That is awesome! You would make a fine Jihadist (is that a word?) because unlike most of them you are smart enough to get the fuck out of the vehicle before you blow it up allowing you to do this more than one time.
So in silent storm Ramos and Rowdy gotta love those guys they have the biggest misfortunes and funny encounters ever ,
So I positioned them both in a house to take cover Ramos near a door and Rowdy by a window and then Ramos spots an enemy soldier by a window and says " I will make sausage of soldado!" and so I try to use rowdy to get a better shot but I move him just a fraction for him to discover a soldier aiming a bren gun at his face through the window ( how on earth didn't you see that Rowdy!) then he proceeds to unload his bren gun at ramos and a stray bullet hits rowdy barely scratching him then he proceeds to say " guts be pourin everywhere need a doctor" and I'm there thinking seriously Rowdy, Ramos just got decimated by a bren gun and lost 3 quarters of his health and didn't as much as flinch yet you complain about a small scratch saying that your guts are pouring all over the place!
So then I go to move Zenaida who I have placed in the attic to snipe enemies through the window and she spots another sniper in the window across from hers she then says "he be flat like beaver!" and proceeds to shoot him in the head killing him instantly to which she says " I wound soldier!" and I'm thinking no I'm pretty sure you just shot him straight through the head.

Sorry for the long story!
I would like to enter if possible
Count me in and +1 for you.

Well, this wasn't funny for my cousin but it was funny for the rest of the family.

We were at an aunt's house and my cousin was playing since the morning Montezuma's Revenge. There are 2 versions of that game, 1 is glitched, and had better graphics, the other was like a platformer that once you finished, you went back to the first level but with a slightly higher difficulty. Well, he was playing the 2nd one and he had so many lives that the screen only showed up to 20 lives icons. He could still die and the amount of live icons wouldn't decrease. It was already nighttime and he was still playing, until accidentally, my brother bumped the power cable of the ATARI and the screen went off. Of course my cousin was pissed off, but the rest of us were celebrating we could finally be able to play something.

BTW, it was an ATARI 130XE.

Ohh, forgot to mention, I'm in for UFO: Aftermath
Post edited October 14, 2013 by Mentao
one of my favorite gaming experience was fighting sephrith in kingdom hearts, it took me all night kill and when i finally did i jump in the air , however i acciditly push the off button on the ps2, i will never forget to save ever again.
edit oh i am in for TEX MURPHY 1+2
Post edited October 14, 2013 by ma5terbob