grviper: I played it. It's got nothing to add to the genre. At least Duke 3D had the engine, although Monolith did a much better job with it. DNF is worth anything only to fans of Duke, which I am not (could force myself to beat DN3D only in eduke replacing most guns). Map layout, QTE, physics, more QTE, seemingly fun stuff happening in the background are not impressive. I was having flashbacks to Legendary, which painted a big picture and then forced you into square boxes to punch wolves.
One thing DNF got is shrinking sections, but enduring all the stuff between them isn't worth it.
Oo! We're talking about what we didn't like about DNF? I'm in!
First off, all of the environments were cramped. And I don't get why. It was running on Unreal towards the end there and that definitely could have had more open areas. I mean, I get small areas, but these were tiny. All of them were.
Second, on the Xbox 360 version I played, the anti-aliasing seemed like it was almost non-existent. There were jagged edges on pretty much everything, and then on top of that, it seemed like there was some sort of grainy-ness to everything.
Third, the crosshair, and aiming in general seemed really, really jittery. As in, it seemed like it wasn't smooth, and it would stop momentarily every now and then. I don't get HOW they screwed that part up since it's a core feature of the Unreal engine.
Fourth, a lot of the jokes weren't funny. I liked "Power armor is for pussies." and "I've got balls of fail!" when you were playing pinball and failed at it, but other than that, it was pretty meh.
Fifth, the emphasis on sex. Dear god, I don't know if Duke 3D was only subtle about it because they didn't have a choice due to the limitations imposed, but they weren't even SORT OF subtle about it in DNF. The part in the stadium is where I just gave up. It wasn't just one or two, but dozens of half-naked women being raped by aliens with the sound of moaning the whole time. Oh, and you could shoot them, and they'd explode in a cloud of blood and gore.