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Duke Nukem Forever creator 3D Realms has returned with a new first-person shooter on a new crowdfunding site that launched today.
That inspires so much confidence...
Of all the games they've done, it's DNF developer?

Don't get me wrong, I liked DNF, but it's really not the game to use to summarize their achievements.

EDIT: Holy crap, they're doing Stronghold Crusader II?
EDIT2: That's an unrelated project to the 3DR project.
Post edited September 25, 2012 by hedwards
Well - it is Earth No More... it has been in development since 2009, you can see some concept art on Radar Group website (which is really 3D Realms today...) and they apparently have been on various crowd-source websites since June, I am not holding my breath for this one, though the concept art seems OK.
It's like Night of the Living Companies... All your beloved devs and publishers rising from their graves and shambling towards you, moaning "Funds... More funds...".
Vestin: It's like Night of the Living Companies... All your beloved devs and publishers rising from their graves and shambling towards you, moaning "Funds... More funds...".
Awww, but all I have is brains.
Vestin: It's like Night of the Living Companies... All your beloved devs and publishers rising from their graves and shambling towards you, moaning "Funds... More funds...".
hedwards: Awww, but all I have is brains.
I don't even have a brain anymore
Shouldn't 3D Realms be called the "Duke Nukem 3D creator" and not the "DNF creator"?

3D Realms worked for years on DNF, but another company actually finished and released the game. I'm not sure how much work was left intact from 3D Realms, but looking at DNF that obviously didn't take long to make, ignoring all the engine changes and makeovers from years before.
Vestin: It's like Night of the Living Companies... All your beloved devs and publishers rising from their graves and shambling towards you, moaning "Funds... More funds...".

Best thing I've read all day.
I think we already all know what the stretch goals are going to be...

2'000'000 : Released... when it's done!
2'250'000 : Released before 2040
2'500'000 : Released before 2035
2'750'000 : Released before 2030
Post edited September 25, 2012 by Gersen
Gersen: I think we already all know what the stretch goals are going to be...

2'000'000 : Released... when it's done!
2'250'000 : Released before 2040
2'500'000 : Released before 2035
2'750'000 : Released before 2030
4,000,000 : We doodle on a handkerchief and hand it to Gearbox to finish.
grviper: 4,000,000 : We doodle on a handkerchief and hand it to Gearbox to finish.
Yeah, I mean seriously. It doesn't matter if you loved, hated or flat out ignored DNF, the fact that they pissed away large wads of cash and showed all the work ethic of a Little Chef waitress is something that nobody can deny.

I'd trust a dozen unknown indies with my money before Broussard sees a penny.
Apparently George Broussard was not involved much with DNF, but I'll still not trust 3D Realms with $0.01 of my money to fund a future project.

I will likely get DNF on a Steam sale for $2.50 though.
kalirion: I will likely get DNF on a Steam sale for $2.50 though.
That's too much, unless you really, really "love" Duke and ridiculously linear shooters.
The day I created my account here I decided to use DNF as username because I was sure it would be funny and the game wil never be released (thanks to the developers). While DNF is now released but not from 3D Realms it's funny to see if this kickstarter project really cab catcg enough money.
Post edited September 25, 2012 by DukeNukemForever
Is "Gambitious" even a word, Sam?