cymrean: You can add temperature to the debate. Fahrenheit scale is confusing, do 0 and 100 actually mean something on the scale?
0 = it's cold
100 = it's hot ; D
bazilisek: I always thought this was a strange argument. I don't know about you, but for me it's much easier in my head to go 0.25 + 0.33 = 0.58, which I can find on a metric ruler pretty easily and quite accurately, than 1/4 + 1/3, that's... 3/12 + 4/12 = 7/12, which is... a bit more than a half?
I believe he was referring to temperature measurements, in which case there isn't much of a difference between the two beyond the scale and that Fahrenheit allows for more discrimination without delving into decimals.
The fractional stuff is a bit of a PITA, though. In my work, I use metric length measurements as much as possible: simpler math, and easier to read the measuring device.
Date-wise, the military taught me to go with dd/MMM/yyyy, or 14Mar2012 (dd/Mmm/yyyy). I like this one since there is no way to the mix up the month and day.