DieRuhe: I really want "Kingdoms of Amalur" but I can't afford sixty bucks. If it went on sale for thirty I still wouldn't buy it. If there happened to be a "One day only! Get this game for ten bucks!" sale, I would certainly get it.
But that's only because finances suck. If I could afford sixty, I'd have paid sixty and had it on release day. But that's just not realistic anymore. I haven't even purchased any games here in quite a while.
It was on sale on Amazon not long ago for 15 bucks.
As for devaluing of the games, all I can say is I've found several game devs through deep discount sales that I would never have tried if the games weren't on sale. And because I tried them and liked them, I'm likely to buy more games from them. So I figure those game weren't devalued.
And yeah, I have a backlog of almost 100 games. But I intend to play every one of them. I don't buy games that I don't intend to play.