moonshineshadow: See you tomorrow :-) *hug*
AgentBirdnest: *dangerously tight hug that cuts off circulation*
Hope you feel better. Depression and anxiety are shit. As suggested by others I've always found animals and walking to help. And music, fairly sure I'd be dead by now if not for good music.
hummer010: You need a Bassett Hound. It is very difficult not to laugh at the ridiculousness of a Bassett Hound. Mother nature has given a great gift to everyone else, at the expense of the Bassett, and yet they don't seem to care.
We have two. There is a lot of laughter in our house.
donsanderson: Yep, 14 yrs old in this pic. Had to have him put to sleep 6mo later. Have a boxer now, which is cool, but I still miss old Beauregard.
Lol. I am laughing just looking at this picture. He's gorgeous, that face XD