AgentBirdnest: Apparently it was shut down due to a massive gem duplicating exploit. It screwed up the entire market.
Ragnarblackmane: It's a shame that, as usual, we "can't have nice things" due to greed of others. I didn't fall for it though, and didn't waste too many cards and backgrounds on gems.
Now a blasphemous question...would anyone here want to try some MP gaming, either via gog or steam? I know, I know, collecting shinies is the focus of this thread, not playing them, but I figured it can't hurt to ask:)
I ended up spending a buck on cheap gems before I knew any funny business was going on. Bought some boosters, sold some foils, made $7. I feel kinda bad about it now though, knowing that the funds in my wallet are there because of a massive exploit.
Would love to play something online sometime, but I just announced that I'm going offline for the day :P
Maybe another day.
Hit me on Steam if you'd like.