Posted December 12, 2014
LaPtiteBete: So true.....
I'm also fighting... about buying one of the (or maybe both) King's Bounty, or not...
Ho, look...
An update for UnEpic...
AGAIN !?! Õ__Õ GRRR...
What... That's ALL ? :-D
hummer010: Wouldn't it be nice if GOG put both King's Bounty: The Legend and King's Bounty: Crossworlds in the flash sales at the same time? I'm also fighting... about buying one of the (or maybe both) King's Bounty, or not...
Ho, look...
An update for UnEpic...
AGAIN !?! Õ__Õ GRRR...
What... That's ALL ? :-D
It's on sale too (-75%), but I don't understand why there are 3 different versions...
The game itself (3.99 €), the complete edition (3,99 €), and the complete edition : update (2,99 €) ! ô_ô wtf...