Stilton: Hi, everyone - Ol' tin hat's back in town. Wasn't that a line used for Frank Sinatra?
I've had a busy day or two - a house move that was all build up and no pay-off (don't ask, its been a l-o-o-o-ng drawn out process and still has no end in sight) and a bunch of domestic this and that's which individually are small enough to deal with but together are like trying to take on a large horde of bloodthirsty Britons with only a lightly buttered pancake for protection.
As the wonderful and much-missed John Lennon said: Life is what happens to you while you're busy making un
deeeer-paaaaants.' (have I misquoted..?)
Thankfully things have calmed down a bit, at least enough to rejoin the fun and get back to sharing more craziness with my favourite clan. Anyway, I hope everyone's happy and still buying games like they're going out of fashion – that's what we're here for, right?
And a warm public thank you to those who expressed concern about where I'd gone. Like always, its the people who put themselves forward who make the difference ;-)