djmiketjg: Which brings me onto a question... has anyone else decided to go all-digital with their PC gaming?
phaolo: I am fully digital since years.
Boxes require too much space and become dusty, few of them contain interesting additional content (except for some expensive editions), backups are a pain, optical media should be obsolete by now, many retail games still require DRM and Steam. So.. enough!
That game "pre-taste" feeling, obtained by reading good manuals in the old days, was great though :\
The scary; 'bovine'? Is quite right.
My current PC even lacks a disc drive. Suffice to say I haven't really noticed it's absence.
He's also painfully right on the money about old school boxes. The manuals, the posters, the cards and stickers, even the code wheels, they were all nifty bits and pieces of the "first opening a game" experience that has been lost. The last platform I bought physical copìes for was my 360 (and now not even those, I've begun buying most of everything through the live store when discounted). And they were painfully basic, with just the box, the disc and a manual, which has gradually turned into nothing more than a 2 page leaflet in the more recent games. As well as publicity for other games or merchandise I don't want.