Posted December 08, 2014
Think I made this account around time of the Torchlight freebie, can't remember. The hubby had showed me the site and I tend to keep up with games as they come out and all of that...much more than he does. So it's more likely that I'll tell him of something new before he ever finds out about it.
We finally had some money to spend on games though this year has kinda bled us of some of it ( he needed a new gaming rig, I wanted to try digital art so got a tablet, WoW expansion dropped last month, D3 expansion was like half off or something before that...and so on ). We aren't going to have too much extra to spend next year because we're going to see my family in the US for a couple weeks and those trips are hella expensive.
The hubby has been wanting some games legally that he couldn't get for a good while and it so happened that this sale came at the right time for timing is very much everything. :)
...long-winded post..wheeee