Zeyes: Or, just maybe, without the time-limited flash sale format you wouldn't be getting the really deep discounts at all in the sales that last for longer than a week, just in Gem Promos... If the timed sales are really such a nuisance for some of you, why not pick up what you want at the lesser discounts that are available 24/7? Gift horses and all that.
In any case, considering GOG managed to give away 250,000 copies of AoW - which presumably means they were picked up by the owners of 250,000 different GOG accounts, >99% of whom have probably never browsed General Discussion at any time - this whole "the sales format isn't sufficiently exciting for the handful of people who are on the forum 26 hours per day" song and dance is getting quite echo chamber-ish and, dare I say it, no less trite than the sale format being complained about. Time for me to stop following the tracker threads, I guess.
CarrionCrow: I posted this as an edit, but I figured that in the name of helpfulness, I should make sure you see it. =)
Also, thinking about it, I rather like how the person attempted to tie two disparate threads of information together for a means of attack.
Look at what they said - GOG gave away 250,000 copies of AOW. Yes they did. That's a fact.
Presumably they were picked up by 250,000 different accounts. Okay, we can figure that as fact for the most part. The game isn't major enough to make slug accounts over just to get extra copies.
Then they go into their attack. Not really a good one when you look at it. They tried to turn another fact into a type of ridicule. The fact is, the sales format isn't exciting enough. Excitement is what makes people stay more than anything else. Excitement allows people to become invested infinitely more than bad pacing.
I could try explaining this to the person, but it's apparent that they finally grew enough of a spine to have their one shining moment of people paying attention to them, and it wasn't going to be derailed by such petty things as politeness, manners, courtesy or basic human decency. Their presentation was more important.
Also, in regards to the "on the forum 26 hours a day" comment? There's a term for people who are extremely passionate about a certain company, activity, hobby or what-not. It's called a "CORE AUDIENCE".
Can you say "CORE AUDIENCE"? Sure you can. I believe in you. =) You might be a fucking asshole pissant with the manners of a dead dog leaking rotting shit onto my living room floor, but I believe in you anyway. Also, I forgive you for being a fucking asshole pissant as well.
Because I'm nice like that. ;)
Now, core audiences are important because they tend to spend the most money on the activity, allowing the company to get the most possible profit.
If you'd pulled your head out of your ass long enough to conceive of just how many gifts us "26-hour-a-day forum dwellers" have passed back and forth, how many thousands of games we've collectively purchased from GOG, you might have realized how silly your comment was.
We are the ones who will keep coming back to GOG, even in the face of other stores, other deals, other options.
They provide for us, and we help to keep them in business.
Now, to get back to the AOW giveaway, of course those people probably aren't on the forums. News spread, people showed up to get their free shit, then left again. Big surprise. People tend to do such things in the face of free items.
Their level of relevance is nil, since I'd be willing to say that at least half of them don't stay around at all.
Actually, you know what? I won't say that. I won't mention it at all. You know why I won't mention it? Because I don't know for sure. I'll leave information distortion towards a malicious goal to the fucking asshole pissants. =)
Now, to continue, and this is beautifully hypocritical on your part - you complain about other people complaining, and how if we don't like the flash setup, we could just grab something as a lesser discount.
The hilarious part, though? You were too godsdamned dumb, too wrapped up in yourself, to notice that the exact same logic could be applied to you being in this thread at all.
Don't like it? Getting annoyed? Well, you can always fuck off at any time. =)
Logic is neat. -giggles-
And just as a closer? It's time for you to stop following the threads?
Well, that's just a pathetic, needy statement.
That is a statement that comes with expected responses.
We're either supposed to see you go, then think "Awww, the cool person left because we weren't good enough" which won't happen because of your whole fucking asshole pissant character flaw, we're supposed to change our awful ways and offer you a sense of belonging and community, which also won't happen because of the whole fucking asshole pissant character flaw, OR you'll leave with a smug sense of "Boy, I sure showed them. I am awesome!" But that's all nonsense because at the end of the day, you're still a fucking asshole pissant and most people don't enjoy fucking asshole pissants' company.
You should probably spend less time trying to feel superior and instead work on the fucking asshole pissant problem.
Just a thought. =)
Yes Dear...