IAmSinistar: What can I say, I'm an enabler. Or a pusher. ;)
madeaj: Noooo, you are not right! GOG is playing you aren't they? Well, I'm not buying it. So there! Not going to buy it. But if Banished is flash free I might get it. But I'm not buying anything more. not. buying...anything. more. more. Nope, not going. to do it. not.
PS on the Don't Starve front, I
have starved several times. I've been eaten/bit by spiders. The night has got me cause I couldn't find flint or rocks and with no flint, no fire. Even with customizing the world with more rocks and flints I am still dying within 3 days. Frustrating (fun) and I'll try again tonight. Trying to think up strategies for staying alive longer then a few game days. lol
I wouldn't call him a pusher, but an enabler?! Yes, yes I would call him an enabler! But then again, so am I! lol Just go back a few pages and you'll see me giving skeletonbow a push in that direction!